For those who have never had a massage, here is what you can expect. You will be greeted and given an intake form. This information is used in our office only and will help Kayla decide the best plan of care for you. During the Intake interview Kayla will ask questions based on how you filled out the health questions on the form. Please disclose all information as it may pertain to the plan of care for your session. After the intake interview you will be shown to the massage room. Kayla will ask you to dress down to your level of comfort and direct you to begin face up or down between the top sheet and bottom sheet on the table. Seasonally there may be a blanket as well. She will leave for you to do this in private. There will be a knock at the door before Kayla enters. Only areas being worked on will be un-draped. During the session, you may remain quiet to relax and enjoy. Some like to talk and that's ok too as long as you can relax, just always remember to breathe and let Kayla know if anything is too painful or if you need something. Upon completion of the session, Kayla will leave to let you dress. Please come out to discuss your treatment options, payment, and rescheduling. Thanks for choosing Absolute Muscular Care!